Membership Options

Applications for Membership shall be in writing to the Secretary, or by completing the online form here and shall be granted at the sole discretion of the Board. Each new member shall receive a copy of the CGAI’s Memorandum and Articles of Association and Code of Professional Conduct from the Secretary. Members are bound by these documents. There are three membership levels.

Become a member

Your Name:*
Membership type:
Phone number:
Education Background:
Directorships - Tell us what directorships you currently hold and have held in the past, including any committees you may have served on:*
Do you wish to put this profile forward for inclusion on the list of members who are available for Non-Executive Director (NED) positions?:
Type the characters you see here:

Send your application today to become a member of the CGAI so that you can enjoy the benefits of networking with your peers. Share your ideas and experience with others and learn from their experiences. Join our briefing sessions which are only open to members to keep abreast of local and international developments in Corporate Governance.

Full Membership (€250)

Ordinary (also referred to as full) Membership is open to a graduate of an advanced educational programme in Corporate Governance that is recognised by the Directors in their absolute discretion and who is deemed to have an appropriate level of relevant experience.

Eligibility is also for any person recognised by the Directors, in their sole discretion, as having significant practical experience of promoting good corporate governance, either at senior executive level and/or holds or has held non executive positions, for at least five years,

Associate Membership is open to members who may not have acquired the above two requirements but wish to join the CGAI having part of the above. This membership is set at €200 annually.

Student Membership (Complimentary)

Student membership is open to students of recognised Corporate Governance programmes who on graduation would be eligible to apply for ordinary membership and persons professionally involved in the promotion of good governance.

Honorary Membership

The Association may elect, by a unanimous vote of the Board, as an honorary member of the Association, any person who in the opinion of the Board has given exceptional meritorious service, in whatever capacity in their professional life, which represents or promotes good governance. Such a person shall be entitled without subscription, to all privileges of membership. It is implicit that an honorary member should not be of lesser stature than the high standards expected of candidates for ordinary membership, and that a very limited number be granted.