Thank you for taking the time to visit the CGAI website and I hope you find it of some benefit.

I think you will agree with me when I say that Corporate Governance is consistently at the forefront of media commentary in recent times, prominence being given to it most recently in the areas of Charities, Sports and indeed Finance. It has become a central theme in the lexicon of business and the practice of commerce at boardroom level. To that end the CGAI sits comfortably at the intersection of a dynamic and ever evolving and challenging operational environment. We provide to our members a knowledge sharing platform which seeks to promote up to date and best practice learnings for practitioners and students in the field alike.

We are most fortunate in the calibre of our broad membership and if this is an area that you are keen to learn more about, I would encourage you to explore joining us on our journey as we develop our vibrant Association.

This journey of development is made possible by the stalwart loyalty of our corporate partners and it gives me great pleasure to acknowledge their much appreciated support in underpinning the values of good Corporate Governance and the pursuit of its practice.