The CGAI has a eight-person Board:

Left to right, standing

Fergus Sheriden   Director
Michael Kelly   Director
Conall Lavery   Director
Bob Semple    Director
Alan McDonnell   Director

Left to right, seated:

Donnchadh O'Madagain   Treasurer/Director                            
Jerry Kelly   Chairman
Mary Flaherty   Secretary/Director     

Code of Conduct

CGAI Constitution

CGAI Annual Report 2007

CGAI Annual Report 2008


Amended January 2009

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The Corporate Governance Association of Ireland was founded in April 2006 by graduates of the UCD Diploma in Corporate Governance.

Membership is open to experienced business professionals who hold post-graduate qualifications in corporate governance diciplines from academic progammes recognised by our council.

We are an independent Association which seeks to promote high standards of corporate governance by adhering to the Association's Code of Professional Conduct and facilitating the ongoing professional development of our members.

We seek to promote high standards in our capacities as executive or non-executive directors.

Click here to view the Corporate Governance Association of Ireland's Objectives

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The Corporate Governance Association of Ireland is a Company Limited by Guarantee, registered in Dublin (Registered Number 441154). Registered Office: Arthur Cox Building, Earlsfort Tce, Dublin 2.