"The Corporate Governance Association of Ireland"
The CGAI Codes of Governance

Corporate Governance practices have evolved to govern the standards of board oversight in commercial organisations. The principles of good corporate governance propagated by codes and rules have been developed primarily for application to publicly quoted companies listed on stock exchanges.

The CGAI advocates that such definitions of best practice be adopted in private firms of all sizes but that the principles are intelligently adapted by the board of each company to suit their particular environment.

The CGAI also advocates that best practice in governance has application beyond the commercial sector and its principles should also be adopted and adapted in the public and voluntary sectors.

To further this end and in recognition that ‘one size does not fit all’, the CGAI encourages the formation of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) among its members to study the question of adaptation of the principles of best practice in governance to different organisations and sectors.


Voluntary Sector Corporate Governance Code

A number of SIGs have been drafting such Codes. The Voluntary Sector SIG formed a partnership with Dóchas, the umbrella body for Irish Development NGOs, to develop a Code of Governance for their members. This Code has been published and is available on the "About Us" page on the NGO's Governance Code link for download. or you can click Here