"The Corporate Governance Association of Ireland"

CGAI Breakfast Meeting - Alan Dukes- Tuesday 25...

Greetings Fellow Members,

We are pleased to announce that Mr. Alan Dukes will be the speaker at our next Breakfast Meeting on ...

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Survey Members March 2010 Draft

Dear Member,

Last week we asked the membership to respond to a survey which would form the basis for setting the agenda of the associati...

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CGAI Annual Dinner - Bookings Closed

Greetings All,

Bookings have now closed. Thank you to all who have booked and a friendly reminder to the few that have yet to send their...

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CGAI Survey - The last reminder

Dear Member,

May I remind you about our survey?  Please click

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CGAI Survey - The burning issues

Dear Member,

This is the last reminder to complete the survey, please click

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Corporate Governance - The burning issues

Dear Member,

I asked you earlier in the week to be prepared for a quick survey that we intended to send to you.  Please respond to ...

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REMINDER: Annual Dinner, 11th March 2010

I should be grateful if those Members who have not already booked for the Dinner and who intend attending would confirm so to me as soon as poss...

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Annual Dinner, Thurs, 11th March 2010

Greetings Fellow Members,

As you know the Annual Dinner will take place on Thursday, 11th March in the Kildare Street and University Clu...

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Displaying letters 1 - 10 of 22 in total